• Length: 2 hrs
  • Total tickets: 10
  • Available tickets: 0
  • Purchased tickets: 10
  • All selected characters: Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Dwarf Fighter, Elf Wizard, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard

Notes From Ticket Holders Of This Slot

These notes are not actively moderated. If you see an issue with a note please contact us and include a link to this page.
Christopher Abruscato (public to the world)

Looking forward to my first Patron event. I’m ready to play up to NM if needed.

Gregory DeRubis (public to the world)

Started a forum thread for this :) Feel free to chime in if you join this.


Set in the time immediately after the party claims the Tear of Creation within the Onyx Tomb, the party must have one last test.  This combat heavy 7-room adventure challenges the party to prove to the pantheon of Chaldea that they are worthy to wield the Tear of Creation.