VTD-10: Pain of Truce: Pain of Truce
Sun Apr 24 2022 2:24 PM CDT
- Length: 2 hrs
- Total tickets: 10
- Available tickets: 0
- Purchased tickets: 10
- All selected characters: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard
Notes From Ticket Holders Of This Slot
Kodi Bard--NM Equipped and preferred, CoA borrowed from Jedi, Charm of Awareness & Charm of Syngery, Harlax's Helpful
Lamp, Tankard of Celebration,
Caleb Cleric--NM Equipped and preferred, CoA, Charm of Awareness, Charm of Synergy, Harlax's Helpful Lamp, Tankard of Celebration
John Ranger--NM Equipped and preferred, CoA, CoAS, Harlax's Helpful Lamp, Tankard of Celebration
Have available to use, Fighter'd Viv's, Barbarian's Bog's, Rogue Raphiel's, +2 Assassin's Crossbow, Paladin Ava's +5 Holy Avenger,
TE's include 1-Ring of Riches, 1-Charm of Good Fortune, 1-Amulet of Treasure Finding, 4 Sets of Nuggets
Spud Wizard--NM Equipped and preferred, CoA, CoAS, Harlax's Helpful Lamp, Tankard of Celebration
PM star1star2 with your email for a list of what is available to borrow.
Jedi has joined this run and has CoA's and Sets of Nuggets for all to borrow.
Rogue NM equipped, CoA, CoAS, harlax lamp
John Barbarian -- NM Equipped and preferred. CoA, CoAS, Harlax, Tankard
Jack Dwarf Fighter -- NM Equipped and preferred. CoA, CoAS, Harlax, Tankard
Monk, NM equipped, CoA, Synergy, tankard,