• Length: 2 hrs
  • Total tickets: 10
  • Available tickets: 0
  • Purchased tickets: 10
  • All selected characters: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Dwarf Fighter, Elf Wizard, Monk, Paladin, Wizard

Notes From Ticket Holders Of This Slot

No players have added public notes for this slot.

CLICK HERE for a short video!

Thornbarb Pass continues the adventure as your party seeks to find a haunted mine deep within the Rustspike Mountains.  Unfortunately, they must first venture through the deadly Thornbarb Pass.  This is part of a year-long quest over five adventures that will lead up to (and flesh out) next year's in-person S-series of modules.

This virtual adventure will be hosted through Zoom, and it is designed to best be viewed on a computer monitor.  You will view your adventure through an incredible graphical presentation that will include live video feeds, prepared cut scenes, animated effects and graphics as well as interactive new skill tests.

Managing your character in combat will be a snap with a free soon-to-be released app that will make all your combat rolls, keep track of hit points and check off used spells and powers.  

Your ticket includes the postage to send you swag after the event via USPS Priority Mail.  These goodies will include three random treasure draws (or more if you have treasure enhancers equipped) from a Treasure Generator, a Participation token, an XP code for the adventure, and a free bag that includes a random pack of 10 Treasure Tokens.  If your character survives the adventure, your package will include your Survivor button, also.

You don't need a Gen Con Online badge to play or buy tickets.  More details will be emailed to ticket holders closer to the event.