VTD-8: The Sea Hag: The Sea Hag
Sun Feb 20 2022 10:24 AM CST
- Length: 2 hrs
- Total tickets: 10
- Available tickets: 0
- Purchased tickets: 10
- All selected characters: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Dwarf Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard
Notes From Ticket Holders Of This Slot
Dwarf Fighter: my build is Nighmare+ capable and I come with CoA, Charm of Awareness, Harlax's, etc... Extra treasure stones for those that want/need. I can stack the Barbarian if you want to run an Epic build. Plenty of other items to help most melee builds.
I am 5th level Druid, can do Nightmare definitely. Have CoS, Harlax and the Shaman's Greater Necklace so I am prepared to polymorph and fight.
I am a Bard with Lute of Free Fury Hardcore ready. I could use 5th level if someone has an extra something of Heroism. I have my set of nuggets. No CoA or CoS.
Now is your chance to experience an incredible at-home virtual D&D adventure complete with virtual dice rolling, equip-able virtual gear, live camera feeds of amazing sets and a friendly DM. After the event, we will ship you awesome swag such as a Survivor Button, Treasure Token pack, Treasure and Participation tokens, and you will even get an XP code to give yourself some Experience Points to earn cool stuff.
Your game is presented through an amazing interface that features live-camera feeds, recorded cut scenes, skill tests and animated clues. It's like you and your friends are there, but instead playing safely from the comfort of your home. Players can equip and manage their character using the free website, which rolls attacks, damage and saving throws, while keeping track of hit points as well as used spells and powers.
This adventure is the second part of an amazing five-part series of adventures that tell the story of your groups run-in with the dread pirate Barb Beard. He is an otherworldly buccaneer who ravages the Windy Coast with raids on peaceful towns, and your group must find a way to track him down and then put an end to his evil.